By: Shay White

Are you a marketer or in sales?  

I’ve got news for you – you are definitely a marketer. The service you are selling is yourself! Building a personal brand is so important, especially now in the digital age, as it helps you stand out. That being said, it can be difficult to figure out the thing that captures who you are and then relay it employers, coworkers and on social media.  

Read on to find out how you can create and develop your personal brand today! 


  • Figure Out The What 


The first step is always the hardest. You need to figure out WHAT you want your personal brand to be.  

This can seem like an overwhelming process because you most likely have so many amazing things that make up your personality and skills! According to Marketing Master, Jim Joseph, a great starting point is to take a look at your passions as well as your personal skills and attributes – both what you currently have and what you want in the future. Then, determine whether you can stand out with your current attributes and whether attaining future skills will make you happy (REMEMBER: it’s always important to love what you do so don’t pursue something if you aren’t passionate about it!). 


  • Establish a Message!  


The next step is to establish a consistent message that encompasses all of the skills and passions you just figured out. Joseph says that you need to find a positioning statement that will target people’s emotions – give people a reason to be around you!  

I’ll use myself as an example. I am a young business student who is still figuring out my passions and still developing skills, so my personal brand is not as specific as you may be able to make yours. That being said, I have a passion for learning and am ready to jump on any opportunity out there. My positioning statement, therefore, might be “passionate go-getter.”  

Remember, you can base your positioning statement in facts, but try to get something that will prove you stand out. 


  • Give Your Elevator Pitch a Serious Upgrade 


Next comes your elevator pitch. A lot of people, including myself, shudder when they hear that word because sometimes it feels conceited to just talk about yourself. But think of this as an extension of your positioning statement with concrete examples!  

What is it that you do that shows your positioning statement is true? Why does all your evidence matter?  

For myself, I would most likely answer the above questions by mentioning my involvement in various student associations and charities at my local university – I would highlight that my passion for learning allowed me to hold a wide variety of positions and gain many different skills. I would then explain how my involvement impacted others and why my passion for learning can assist others and their businesses. 


  • Customize, Customize, Customize 


Now that you’ve figured out what your personal brand is, you can begin communicating it through all your channels. This means customizing your social media by doing things like following people who fit into your brand, updating your bio, and upgrading your linkedin 

This includes your (paper) resumé too! For example, if you are an interior designer and creativity is part of your brand, then make your resumé creative! Using modern fonts or creating customized designs are a fantastic way to stand out and communicate your brand!  

If you get stuck, just remember to use that positioning statement as your basis! 


  • Practice Makes Perfect!  


Don’t forget, you need to make others remember your brand! Practice in front of a mirror if you need to, or in front of a friend in order to gain confidence. You’ll only get better at communicating your personal brand the more you do it, so what are you waiting for? It’s time to get started!  

 *Don’t have time to create a new, modern resumé design? No worries. We’ve got Hloom’s 283 Free Resumé Templates here! 

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