By Maya Kanigan


Volunteering has a powerful ripple effect. Through Women in Leadership, something very special happens when women join together through a supportive group that gives back to help others achieve success. We create a community where people feel like they belong and an atmosphere that fosters learning and development. This atmosphere is most evident through our mentorship program, the heart of our activities.


From increasing morale and motivation to employee satisfaction, developing cross organizational networks to helping retain women, volunteering via mentorship has a tremendous impact. Furthermore, mentors also experience increased confidence in their abilities.


Volunteering in the community when in career transition can also have a really positive effect. Volunteering expands your network, helps you build work experience, and adds to your references. Most importantly, volunteering can reenergize your work flow to give you that added spark of self esteem to make you stand out.


Volunteer tip: Those who want to really stand out (at WIL or in other orgs)– ask what you can do to help your team leader: succeed/improve/grow to achieve the organization’s objectives. Doing so shows your commitment and leadership.

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