Why Women Leaders Will Play An Essential Role In 2025 And Beyond

While women remain underrepresented in leadership roles, they’ve made incredible inroads in the past decade. During the pandemic, I wrote a book about women’s leadership and why it matters. I explored the progress women have made in securing leadership roles since the 1970s, as well as why they continue to face obstacles on their way to […]

20 Tips for Aspiring Women Leaders To Overcome Professional Challenges

Women have now made significant progress in the workplace, being widely recognized for their work and celebrated as leaders for their achievements. While this progress bodes well for a more equitable workplace environment, obstacles are still a common experience for women in leadership roles. From feeling undervalued, overlooked and unable to get ahead, these are […]

10 Essential Self Care Tips for Women’s Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Comprehensive Guide

Self-care is pivotal for our psychological and actual prosperity, yet it can frequently be ignored, particularly for ladies who are shuffling different obligations like work, family, and connections. With such a huge amount on our plates, it’s not difficult to disregard our own necessities, however getting some margin for taking care of oneself is fundamental […]

Celebrate Women in Leadership Day on May 29th

Celebrate Women in Leadership Day in Calgary, AB with us on May 29th at the BMO Centre for the Calgary Women in Leadership Summit. Leading Talent is a proud sponsor of the Summit and will be exhibiting as one of the career resources. Join us for an engaging day featuring 20+ esteemed leaders, speakers and […]

8 Morning Rituals to Enhance your Productivity and Create a Positive, Purposeful Day

Author: Annabella Feeny How do you start your day? Research has shown that what happens in the first few hours after you wake up impacts just how productive you are for the rest of the day. Although, the internet is full of morning routine ideas and examples, one size simply does not fit all. Your […]

IBM Commits to Skill 30 Million People Globally by 2030

The company announces more than 170 new partnerships and program expansions in more than 30 countries across the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa Oct 13, 2021   ARMONK, N.Y., Oct. 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ – IBM (NYSE: IBM) today unveiled a groundbreaking commitment and global plan to provide 30 million people of all ages with new skills needed for the jobs of tomorrow by 2030. To achieve this […]

Finding Your Tribe

In this short video, listen to IBMer, Anne discuss her View On Bravery At Work. More Here

Power Gap in the Workplace

The Globe & Mail, reported by Robyn Doolittle & Chen Wang, published an investigative series about the Power Gap in the workplace. More details here:   

The Importance of Allyship

WIL Toronto’s Nadia Van chats with Diane Kazarian, GTA Managing Partner and National Banking Leader at PwC Canada, about the importance of allyship, sponsorship, and using your platform to support the good work of others. https://www.womeninleadership.ca/?wix-vod-video-id=8eda4e9408104691a5bee619ca85b2eb&wix-vod-comp-id=comp-kgzqhl3j

7 Steps To Get Through A Major Change In Your Life

By Farah Saad  When we are going through a major life altering change or shift in our lives, all the old fears surface. The uncertainty of the future makes us question everything we did in our lives up until that moment. You feel exhausted all the time. These are all good signs because it means […]

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