Girl Guides of Canada (GGC) is seeking two volunteers to serve on the Board of Directors as Directors-at-Large. We are looking for individuals with expertise in the following areas:
Human Resources
Audit and finance
Transformational change management
Revenue generation
Time management skills to meet demands of the role
Leadership experience in a complex membership organization is an asset
About Girl Guides of Canada
Girl Guides of Canada–Guides du Canada (GGC) empowers every girl to discover who she is and wants to be. Girl Guides provides an all-girl environment that invites girls and youth to challenge themselves, find their voice, meet new friends, have fun and make a difference in the world. GGC strives to ensure that girls and women from all walks of life, identities and lived experiences feel a sense of belonging and can fully participate. Girl Guides is a national membership-based organization with over 100 years of history and a strong and growing future.
Mission: To be a catalyst for girls empowering girls.
Vision: A better world, by girls
About the Board
As the governing body of GGC, the Board of Directors is committed to the Mission and Vision of GGC and acts in the best interests of the organization. The Board consists of between ten and fourteen members. These Board members functions as a group, but each Director has specific, individual responsibilities. Every Board member is expected to act honestly and in good faith in exercising their powers and discharging their duties with a view to the best interests of GGC. Board members are expected to understand and maintain confidentiality and avoid any potential conflicts of interest.
Responsibilities include governance, financial oversight, risk management, strategic planning, monitoring organizational performance, oversight of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Board and Director development and evaluation, fund development, external relationships, and crisis management. Board Directors are voting members at the Annual General Meeting.
Members of the Board are volunteers and, as such, serve without compensation. Expenses incurred in conducting regular Board business will be reimbursed.
GGC is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion. We value a recruitment and selection process that is inclusive and barrier-free and, as such, encourage applications from individuals who are racialized, Indigenous, people from the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, people with disabilities and other equity-deserving groups. GGC welcomes girls and women – cisgender and transgender – as well as non-binary people who are comfortable in spaces that focus on and are driven by the experience of girls and youth.
Time Commitment
The Board meets four to five times a year. A maximum of two of of these meetings are held in person while the other meetings are conducted virtually. A regular schedule of meetings will be set at least six months in advance, with meeting agenda and other meeting material sent at least two weeks in advance.
All Board Directors are also expected to sit on a Board Committee and engage in Committee work and meetings.
GGC's Board is a working board. This role requires between five to fifteen hours per month or more for larger portfolios.
Board Directors hold their positions for a three-year term, with the possibility of extension. The upcoming term is slightly shorter as GGC has recently shifted our fiscal year and the timing of our Annual General Meeting. The term begins June 2025 and will finish February 2028.
For more information and to apply, please visit Girl Guides of Canada’s website.